Dr. Katherine Keyes will present via ZOOM "Using agent-based models to simulate the opioid epidemic: a critical review of the literature and proposed framework for New York State and beyond"
Katherine M. Keyes is an associate professor of epidemiology at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. Katherine's research focuses on life course epidemiology with particular attention to psychiatric disorders, including examination of fetal origins of child and adult health, long-term outcomes of adverse childhood environments, and cross-generational cohort effects on substance use, mental health, and chronic disease. She is particularly interested in the development of epidemiological theory to measure and elucidate the drivers of population health. Katherine is an expert in methodological issues in age-period-cohort effect estimation, and her empirical work in age-period-cohort effect has examined a range of outcomes including obesity, perinatal outcomes, substance use disorders, and psychological distress. She is the author of more than 170 peer-reviewed publications.
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