Caroline Kingori, Ph.D., MPH, CHES

Goal with HISTP

"To develop culturally relevant technology-delivered HIV and sexual health interventions that can better address linkage to and retention in care."

Dr. Kingori is a Forward Fellow with HISTP.


Collins Airhihenbuwa, Professor, Georgia State University School of Public Health

HISTP Mentor

Coming soon.


Read more about Dr. Kingori.

Caroline Kingori's interdisciplinary research primarily focuses on the prevention of HIV/AIDS in ethnic minorities (people of African descent, communities of color, immigrants/migrants and refugees). She has focused her research in this area for over 10 years. Her research interests are driven by the need to address reproductive and sexual health issues, particularly the HIV/AIDS epidemic at the international, national and local contexts.

Public Health podcast

Dr. Kingori hosts a podcast Public Health Musings, where she interviews scholars across the country "on public health related topics to inspire us to action."